Saturday, December 23, 2006


So why, when we know we are doing something that is gunna hurt us do we do it anyways. When with every footstep or thought you can feel it getting deeper and then the knife starts to turn. But its not the thing holding the knife thats doing it to us. The knife is staying still and we are walking into it. Why do we do this to ourselves? Curiosity...Defiance...Ignorance...? When will it stop? How does it stop?

On the brighter side...Christmas is Monday.

Update on me:

I got a Wii a couple of days ago, during finals week. I vowed not to open it until finals were over so i gave it to Lyndale and he kept it until i was done with finals. It is soooooo fun to play even my mum was liking the Wii Sports Tennis. I beat her a couple times and she kept saying.."I'm better than this at real Tennis." I'll rent it out for 100 a night if anyone is up for it :).

I am working at Pepsi again. delivering on the trucks. I'm the guy that brings the product into your local gas station. I gotta wake up at 4:20 every M-F to be at work for 5am. Usually 10 hour days sometimes 12(be impressed) rain or shine. My back is killing me. I've been working out lately too (lifting weights and stuff). once or twice a week.

Now that all my brother have moved out of Lafayette it has been soooo weird. i didnt think it would be any different but it has. I'm the only "walker boy" (as we are sometimes called) left in Laffy Taffy. So i gotta represent.



Blogger padre said...

you represent very well

December 25, 2006 at 10:27 PM

Blogger heather young said...

I agree.

December 26, 2006 at 12:03 PM


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