Monday, March 26, 2007

Wh☼'s MeditÆ╩i0ñ

The following is my review of a book we were reading as interns at East Bayou. The main thing i talked about is obvious. comments with your own thoughts on the topic are what i want so give them to me. verses would be cool too.


I was interested in the book at the beginning chapters. I was excited to read and be able to discuss it, but after I realized that the participation in discussion was becoming mundane, I kind of got turn off by it. I love being able to hear other people's thoughts on topics that are hard to answer. So I'm hoping the next book will be very interesting. The only chapter that really affected me and made me think was the one on meditation. so i will talk about that one. I only read prob only read through 5-7 chapters. but the meditation was my favorite. I couldn't really relate to other chapters or they just seemed too repetitive.I never really thought about mediation and usually just left it to Buddha and yoga tree hugger people. I always thought meditation was some creepy way to enter into self realization or getting psychologically high. After reading that chapter I realized that important people in the bible meditated too. Meditation isn't crossing your legs (which is already uncomfortable for my inflexible body) and humming.I had never thought of it as a means of just "listening." My prayer life was listening AND talking. If you know me well enough, you know I'm not one to be able to sit still for a while and much less shut up. So meditating seemed out of the question, but prayer was simple for me(maybe too simple). I've tried to meditate a couple of times now but never really can grasp it. It also talked about being in constant meditation. Can meditation be just looking for answers to prayer from God? Does it have to be sitting quietly¿ So now I'm constantly just praying and hoping that when I'm "listening" at random times in my life that I can see/hear God's presence or voice(the whole voice thing is a completely different topic).